Shakti Pig Feed

The physical development of pigs is more than other animals and they have more FCR efficiency. Pigs can convert any type of feed, fodder and waste into valuable, nutritious and tasty meat. Their development and maturity is more than other animals and they become capable of reproduction at the age of 8 to 9 months. Females can reproduce twice a year. Can give birth to more than 8 piglets at a time. 60 to 80 percent of the meat can come from one pig. At the age of 7 to 9 months, it weighs 70 to 100 kg. Pig farming is a good, cheap and easy source of income for farmers.

Pig feeding management:-

  • Pig is a monogastric animal and cannot digest fibrous food much. Adult pigs can digest fibrous food well.
  • The amount of protein in the food of pigs should be high and they should be fed at regular intervals.

Pig feeding management by Shakti Dana

  • Male and female pigs should be given large amounts of food 15 days before conception.
  • The amount of protein, vitamins and minerals should be increased during pregnancy.
  • Pigs weighing 100 kg should be given 2.5 to 3 kg of power feed at a time.
  • Shakti Dana “Starter” can be given to piglets after 3 weeks of birth. A healthy and active piglet eats less food in the beginning and its intake increases over time. Food management should be done according to the breed and season. Pigs weighing 100 kg should be given 2.5 to 3 kg of power feed at a time.
Available packing 25 KG
  • The protein requirement should be fulfilled by "Grover" Shakti Feeder in the initial days. As the fatness of the pig increases, the amount of protein should be reduced. The total dose should be given to the pig according to the maximum weight gain.
  • Alternatively, a meal taken within 30 to 45 minutes is complete. Food management should be done twice a day.

Pig feeding management by Shakti Pig Feeder feedx chicken counter feed the power counter grain is of UMM-4 mm size. It is a suitable feed for trade and pre-sale care of chickens. Packing 50 kg.